Toll free: 1-866-438-2930
L’Isle-aux-Coudres, a small island taking it easy in the middle of the majestic St-Lawrence River in the Charlevoix region, is a family destination; an invitation to let go! A complete 360° of scenery and landscapes; shifting horizons over the tides; breathtaking sunrises and sunsets. It’s a breath of sea air and fair wind, a road lined with wildflowers or frozen tidal flats. It’s some 1400 “marsouins“, friendly nickname given to its inhabitants, who will share with you their story; their passion; their expertise and mostly, who cannot wait to welcome you!
Since the first families to have taken root in 1720, it is generations of builders and pioneers that have tamed insular nature with creativity; courage and pride. The first ferry boat arrives in 1930 and the winter one follows only in 1959. For many years, the link between island and continent is only maintained with ice canoes. Today, it is the sons and daughters of sailors; schooner builders and farmers who are pursuing,reinventing, and sharing their stories.
In 1963, the filmmaker Pierre Perreault sets foot on the island on his way to meet larger-than-life characters. This will result in the « Trilogie de l’Isle-aux-Coudres » regrouping three documentaries, the first of which « Pour la suite du monde », that was co-directed with Michel Brault, is considered pioneering work of direct cinema and a masterpiece in Quebec and Canada’s film industry. Still today, Grand Louis and Alexis’ grand speeches put color in our culture.
Modern “Marsouins”
Nowadays, we have on the island the quality of life that we can expect from our time, in an environment to dream for. An elementary school as well as a high school; a SCE; a diversity of services, both professional and community, that meet the needs of the youngest and the oldest. It is also a tight-knitted community that deploys initiatives and committees with a big generosity to bonify our life here all year long. Don’t be shy to converse with a “marsouin” during your visit; they are known to be most congenial!
Our beautiful Isle, as vast and peaceful as it is, is turned upside down like the rest of the planet. On the other hand, the traders are ready to welcome you, while respecting the sanitary measures said by the government. (Wearing a mask and distancing). Be indulgent!
You can reach us toll free at 1 866-438-2930 or by email at info@tourismeisleauxcoudres.com for more information on the current situation.
*Please note that the municipal washrooms are now open: City Hall, Halte du Pilier and Municipal playground.