L’Insulaire L’Isle-aux-Coudres

About This Project


À propos

Magnificent Scandinavian-inspired cottage located in L’Isle-Aux-Coudres. Ideal for family and friends. Prepare your favorite meals in our large fully equipped kitchen while the kids play in the basement. You can also enjoy the outdoor fireplace to roast marshmallows. Once the kids are in bed, relax in our hot tub or simply lay in our hanging net on the terrace to watch the stars.

CITQ : 308556

1788 Chemin des Coudriers
L’Isle-aux-Coudres (Québec)
Canada, G0A 1X0

Heures d’ouverture

year round

Paiements acceptés

Carte de crédit VISA – Mastercard
Carte de débit – Interac
Argent comptant

Distance de la traverse

Distance à parcourir 

7,5 km

Temps en automobile

10 min

Temps en vélo

27 min

Temps à la marche

1 h 33 min

To sleep, Tourist residences