Association du Québec à Compostelle

About This Project

Seasonal establishment • Summer


Throughout the years, the Tour de l’Isle-aux-Coudres has become a must. Near 1000 walkers participate in this event. There are two departures from St-Joseph-de-la-Rive, one of which is at 8:30am and the other one at 9:30am. Meeting point is at the ferry dock 20 minutes before your chosen hour of departure. No reservation required. Whether you are taking the boat on Saturday morning or are already on the island, you can all meet at St-Bernard Church for one of the two departures that take place at 9:00am and 10:00am. There are no fees for this event, but we are accepting funds « passing the hat » at the end of the race. We hope to see you there!

203-1899 Boulevard Guillaume-Couture
Lévis (Québec)
G6W 0E9



First saturday of may

Accepted payments


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