Club de motoneiges de L’Isle-aux-Coudres

About This Project

Seasonal establishment • Winter

À propos

L’Isle-aux-Coudres’ snowmobile trail, where River and mountains collide. You start your adventure with a free crossing of the majestic Saint-Lawrence where you will see and hear the ice sheets break under the ship. Once you set foot on the island, 30 km of trails await you in a breathtaking scenery. The River, the Massif de Charlevoix’ ski slopes, the changing tides, the surprising views of the village of Les Éboulements, and the sunsets filled with the most beautiful pallets of colors will make you enjoy your escape. The island is active all through winter; during your visit you will be able to enjoy the variety of activities it has to offer, feast, and find the best sleeping accommodations. Snowmobiling on l’Isle-aux-Coudres is worth the detour. If you are coming to the island to ‘’turn’’, do not be shy to ask one of its convivial inhabitants to explain the popular concept.

1051 Chemin des Coudriers
L’Isle-aux-Coudres (Québec)
Canada, G0A 3J0


Heures d’ouverture

December to April

Paiements acceptés


Distance de la traverse

Distance à parcourir 

1 km

Temps en automobile

2 min

Temps en vélo

7 min

Temps à la marche

12 min

Activities, Associations, organizations & committees, Hobbies